Emoji Import Issue with WP All Import:

If you’re using WP All Import and your emoji icons aren’t being imported correctly, you can easily fix this! Just add the code snippet provided below to your child theme’s functions.php file or a code snippets plugin.

Remember, the code needs to be running when you upload your file to WP All Import.

If you still have trouble, try replicating the issue in the WP All Import sandbox environment and reach out to their support team for further help.

Code Snippet:

add_filter('wp_all_import_is_enabled_stream_filter', 'wpai_wp_all_import_is_enabled_stream_filter', 10, 1);
function wpai_wp_all_import_is_enabled_stream_filter($enable_strem_filter) {
    return FALSE;

add_filter('wp_all_import_csv_to_xml_remove_non_ascii_characters', 'wpai_wp_all_import_csv_to_xml_remove_non_ascii_characters', 10, 1);
function wpai_wp_all_import_csv_to_xml_remove_non_ascii_characters($remove_non_ascii_characters) {
    return FALSE;

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